Account creation

Create accounts and assign wallets and proxies to them.

Manual creation of accounts and assignment of proxies and wallets to them:

  • Create an Account by clicking Add Account;

  • Assign proxies to the account, which we added in Settings -> Proxies;

  • Add an EVM wallet to the account, which we added in the Adding EVM Wallets section;

  • Add a Starknet wallet to the account (for using the Starknet module), which we added in the Adding Starknet Wallets section;

  • Add a Solana wallet to the account, which we added in the Adding Solana Wallets section.

  • The account is configured and ready to be added to modules.

Automatic assignment of wallets and proxies to accounts:

If you want to automatically attach a proxy, EVM wallet, and Starknet wallet to an account, you can use the Auto Attach button.

The software takes each account in order of name sorting, then looks at the proxies, EVM wallets, and Starknet wallets, which are also sorted by name. If an account does not have an attached proxy, EVM wallet, or Starknet wallet, the software takes them from the list in sequence and automatically attaches them. The operation of Auto-Attach is similar to Tetris, where the software fills only the empty spaces in order, as long as there are items to fill them with.

Before using this button, you need to create the required number of accounts, upload proxies through Settings -> Proxies, and add or generate EVM wallets, Starknet wallets, and Solana wallets. You can batch upload proxies and wallets, just make sure to assign them correct names (e.g., Proxy 1 / EVM Wallet 1 / Starknet Wallet 1, and so on). If all your proxies and wallets are named in a clear manner, the wallets and proxies will quickly attach to accounts via the Auto-Attach function.

If you are sure this suits your needs, press the button, otherwise, it is better to close this window.

Linking wallets and proxies to accounts using a template:

  • If you haven't created accounts yet, first generate the required number of accounts;

  • After creating the accounts, you need to download the template table. To do this, click Download Template and download the table with your accounts.

  • Open the downloaded file named "combineAttachTemplate" and start editing it:

    1. accountId - the first column, which must not be touched. Do not delete or change anything in it, otherwise, everything will break;

    2. accountName - the second column, which allows you to change the names of your accounts;

    3. evmWalletAddress - the third column, where you need to enter the addresses, NOT the private keys, but the addresses of your wallets, taking case sensitivity into account, because for Combine, as well as for the exchange, 0xABC and 0xabc are two different addresses;

    4. evmWalletName - in this column, you enter the names of your addresses;

    5. starknetWalletAddress and starknetWalletName - similar to the columns for EVM wallets;

    6. starknetWalletType - this is the type of Starknet wallet (argentx or braavos). If you do not need to add Starknet wallets, simply leave these 3 columns empty;

    7. proxyId - this is an important column for those using proxies. If you want to link proxies to your accounts, just copy the Proxy ID from the "nfdProxyExport" file, which you can obtain by exporting proxy information in the Settings -> Proxies section, and paste the Proxy ID into this column;

    8. proxyName - this column allows you to assign names to your proxies;

    9. userAgent - you have the option to insert your User Agents, for example from the anti-detect browser AdsPower. If you don't have them, just leave this column empty. On the first launch of UI touch, the combine will generate and fill in the UserAgent in this column;

    10. depositAddress - this column is for the deposit EVM addresses of wallets you previously created on a particular exchange. Just paste the addresses by copying them from your file/table or directly from the exchange;

    11. depositAddressName - in this column, enter the names of your deposit addresses.

  • After filling out the table, click Upload Template and select the required table. If all the data is filled in correctly, the wallets will automatically link to the necessary accounts.

IMPORTANT! During the upload process, it is strictly forbidden to close the application or interrupt the upload process in any way, as the data may not be recorded correctly, the application may crash, and you will not be able to fix it. You will have to reinstall Combine and set everything up from scratch.

Last updated