Bridge mode

Sending tokens and NFTs through bridges via the Hyperlane network.

The Bridge mode allows interaction with protocols that enable minting NFTs and sending tokens and NFTs from available networks through protocols operating on the Hyperlane network.

  • In the Mode section, choose Bridge Mode;

  • In the Run mode section, choose the order in which wallets will be launched: - Parallel: wallets will be launched concurrently (multi-threaded) with or without proxies; - One-by-one: wallets will be launched one after the other with or without proxies; - One-by-one (mobile proxy): wallets will be launched one after the other using mobile proxies. Mobile proxies must be added in the Settings -> Proxies section and linked to accounts in the Account Manager beforehand.

  • To use a ready-made preset for software settings, click on the selection field in the Select preset section and choose the desired preset;

  • To launch a pre-prepared group of wallets, select the appropriate one in the Select Accounts group to launch section;

  • In the Select Type field, there are two options:

    1. Bridge ERC20 - allows bridging tokens from the ERC20 network to other available networks. The module works as follows: at the beginning, the software mints the token hMerk, which will be bridged between the selected networks. It's worth noting that the hMerk token is minted only once per session. For example, if you choose 5 different networks and set up 20 transactions, the hMerk token will be minted at the beginning, and all 20 transactions will use this token for bridging between the selected networks;

    2. Bridge NFT - allows minting NFT and sending it to available networks. This operates similarly to Bridge ERC20, but in this case, NFT will be bridged, which the software will mint at the beginning of the session. This NFT also serves as a placeholder and does not have any utility.

  • In the Select Dapp field, choose the application with which the software will interact;

  • In the Select blocks field, choose the networks with which the software will interact in the protocol you selected in the Select Dapp section. Please note that to ensure proper functioning, you need to have tokens for gas payment in each selected network;

  • Clicking on the Select all button will choose all the networks listed;

  • To select individual networks, click on the checkboxes next to the desired networks.

If you select all the networks currently available in Bridge Mode, the software will interact with any of the chosen networks, but it's not necessary that it will touch all protocols in one session. It will depend on the number of transactions or the volume you have selected for a specific wallet.

  • In the Delays section, you can set delays between actions. There are two modes: Standard and Pro;

  • In the standard mode, there are three settings:

    1. Wallet - delay between launching wallets;

    2. Block - delay between blocks/scenarios (protocols).

  • In Pro mode, there's an additional setting called Gas Guard. When activated, your wallet will additionally go into sleep mode if multiple accounts in the same session are ready to work simultaneously after reaching the gas level you set for the software to function. We implemented this to prevent all these wallets from sending transactions simultaneously after reaching the specified gas level;

  • In the Select first chain field, choose the network from which tokens will be sent to the networks you selected in the Select blocks section;

  • If you enable the Choose random first chain checkbox, the initial sending network will be selected randomly. This allows you to launch multiple wallets in one session without worrying that they will all follow the same route.

  • In the Amount of transactions field, enter the number of transactions within a range that should be executed on each wallet during one session;

  • If the Check destination balance? checkbox is enabled, then when selecting a block with a looped transaction (for example, Polygon -> Gnosis and Gnosis -> Polygon), if you had tokens to send to Polygon - they will be sent to Gnosis, but if you don't have a balance in the Gnosis network to send to Polygon - the software will skip this step and go straight to the next block, so as not to fall into an error and continue working;

  • In the Max gas price section, set the maximum gas price in the Ethereum network at which transactions will occur. The software will wait until the gas price in the Ethereum network drops to the specified value before starting transactions;

  • If the Mint on every chain checkbox is enabled, the software will mint NFT in every network;

  • If the Approve INFINITE amounts checkbox is activated, an infinite number of tokens will be approved for you, so you won't need to approve your tokens again before each subsequent swap/bridge. If the checkbox is disabled, only the amount necessary for the transaction will be approved;

  • To have wallets activated in a random order, leave the Randomize wallets checkbox enabled;

  • To save session delay settings for future use, click on Save this as preset, enter a preset name, and save it. Later, you can select this preset in the Select preset field;

  • Select the wallets that will be launched and click Launch.

  • Your wallets are now in operation. You can track the progress of their work in the Logs & Progress section.

Last updated