Bridge mode

Set up and run sessions to send tokens from one network to another.

Thanks to the Bridge mode, you can replenish wallet balances with native tokens for further activity in the desired network. Bridge mode allows bridging tokens from any available network to another, without being tied to the module's network.

  • In the Mode section, select Bridge Mode;

  • In the Run mode section, choose how wallets will be launched:

    1. Parallel: wallets will operate concurrently (multithreaded) with or without proxies;

    2. One-by-one: wallets will be launched one after another with or without proxies;

    3. One-by-one (mobile proxy): wallets will be launched one after another using mobile proxies. Mobile proxies must first be added to the Settings -> Proxies section and linked to accounts in the Account Manager.

  • To launch a pre-prepared group of wallets, select the desired group in the Select Accounts group to launch section;

  • In the Bridge Type section, choose the bridge through which you want to send tokens. All modules have several bridges to choose from: official bridges and third-party bridges;

  • If you want to send funds through an official bridge, select it from the list and proceed to the settings. Almost all official bridges only work with the Ethereum network. Therefore, to send ETH to the L2 network through official bridges, you must have ETH on your balance in the Ethereum network;

  • In the Account Delays section, set the delay between wallet launches in seconds;

  • Clicking on Pro will open the Gas guard settings. When this delay is activated, your wallet will go to sleep if several accounts in the same session are ready to work simultaneously after reaching the gas level set for the software. This is done to prevent all these wallets from sending transactions simultaneously after reaching the gas level. The standard delay is set in the range of 30 to 150 seconds;

  • If you are using an official bridge, then in the Bridge mode field, select Deposit if you want to send tokens from the Ethereum network to zkEVM, or Withdraw if you want to send funds from zkEVM to Ethereum.

  • If you are using a third-party bridge or an official bridge that allows selecting networks other than Ethereum, in the Chain from and to field, select the network from which tokens will be sent in the first window, and the network to which tokens will be sent in the second window;

  • Below the network selection fields, there are two informational boxes: Min amount, which displays the minimum sending amount, and Trading fee, which indicates the bridge's fee excluding gas costs;

  • Click Update Balances to see the current balance on the wallets;

  • Select the wallets you want to use in the session;

  • In the Amount section, there are three functions if you are using an official bridge: All, Send range, and Leave range; and two functions if you are using a third-party bridge: Send range and Leave range;

    1. All - will transfer all available tokens in the wallet to the destination network;

    2. Send range - allows you to send tokens within a specified range;

    3. Leave range - allows you to leave a specified range of tokens in the wallets and send only the amount above this range;

  • Enter the amount range in the required fields and click Apply to selected wallets. The amount for each wallet will be generated randomly within the specified range for each wallet. The amount applied to the wallet can be seen in the Amount to bridge field. You can also manually change the amount in this field;

  • In the Max gas price section, set the maximum gas price in the Ethereum network at which transactions will be executed. The software will wait for the gas to drop to the specified value before executing transactions. After the session starts, you can change the upper Gwei limit in the Logs & Progress tab by going to the Sessions subsection;

  • To randomize the order in which wallets start working, leave the Randomize wallets checkbox enabled;

  • To start the wallets, click Launch.

  • Your wallets have been launched. You can track the process of work of your wallets in the section Logs & Progress.

Last updated