Automating Bungee Refuel

How to work with the free Bungee Refuel module to refill wallets with gas tokens on various networks.

Bungee is a protocol that allows you to "refuel" your wallets with small amounts for paying fees in different networks. For example, you can send a small amount of ETH from Optimism to ZkSync if you run out of funds for fee payment.

You can also send native tokens from Polygon (MATIC) to the ZkSync network, and Bungee will automatically convert MATIC to ETH, sending ETH to ZkSync in proportion to the amount sent in MATIC.

Sending ETH from the Ethereum network through Bungee is quite cheap, and this can be used for making transactions in the Ethereum network, increasing trust in your wallet from the projects whose airdrops you are farming.

Please note that this is a completely free feature of our application. You can use this functionality without purchasing any modules.

How do I refuel wallets via Bungee Refuel in Combine?

  • First, you need to set up accounts in Account Manager, link wallets to them, and optionally, proxies;

  • In Wallet Manager, you can review the list of wallets and use the UI Touch feature. UI Touch allows you to open the Bungee website from the internal browser built into Combine, which functions as an anti-detect browser by masking your browser fingerprint and IP if you are using a proxy;

  • In the User Agent field, you can see your fingerprint. The fingerprint is automatically selected from a list of over 10,000 of the most common fingerprints worldwide. The initially generated fingerprint is assigned to the wallet until you click the Generate New button;

  • In the Custom User Agent field, you can insert your own User Agent from an anti-detect browser or generated elsewhere;

  • From the list of available applications, select Bungee and click Launch;

  • Immediately after, a browser window will open where you need to connect your wallet and send tokens to the desired network.

Set up and run Bungee Refuel in automatic mode:

Settings & Launch is the main and primary tab of the Bungee Refuel module. It allows you to select the order in which wallets will operate, choose wallets, select the involved networks, set delays, and launch the software.

  • Go to the Settings & Launch tab;

  • In the Run mode section, choose the order in which the wallets will be launched:

    1. Parallel - parallel operation (multithreading) with or without proxies;

    2. One-by-one - wallets will be launched one after another with or without proxies;

    3. One-by-one (mobile proxy) - wallets will be launched one after another using mobile proxies. Mobile proxies must first be added to the Settings -> Proxies section and linked to accounts in the Account Manager.

  • To launch a pre-prepared group of wallets, select it in the Select Accounts group to launch section;

  • In the Account Delays section, set the delays between wallets;

  • Select the network from which tokens will be sent and the network to which tokens should arrive;

  • Click Update Balances to load the current balances on the wallets in the selected networks. If the balances do not load, change the RPC of the required network;

  • In the Select wallets to launch section, choose the wallets you want to use;

  • In the Amount field, there are two options for automatically filling in the sending amounts:

    1. Send range allows you to set the amount of tokens to send within a range;

    2. Leave range allows you to leave the necessary range on the wallets and send only what is above this range.

  • Enter the desired range of amounts and click Apply to selected wallets. The amount applied to the wallet can be seen in the Amount to bridge field, where you can also manually change the amount;

  • In the Min and Max Native Token fields, the number of tokens that correspond to Bungee's limits are displayed. These limits change depending on the specific network and current Gwei;

  • If you want the wallets to be used in random order, leave the Randomize wallets? checkbox enabled;

  • In the Max gas price (GWEI) ETH field, set the Gwei limit in the Ethereum network at which the software will perform transactions. If the Gwei is higher than the specified value, the software will not perform transactions and will wait until the Gwei drops to acceptable levels;

  • To start the session, click Launch.

Using the Bungee Refuel function in automatic mode.

In the Logs & Progress section, you can track the activity and logs of all your running wallet sessions. This section provides detailed insight into what is currently happening with the wallets that have been launched. You can also pause or resume the wallets' activity in this section.

  • In the All section, all logs from all running sessions are collected in one place;

  • In the Wallets section, you can view logs for each wallet individually by clicking the Show logs button next to it;

  • In the Sessions section, you can view logs for specific wallets that were launched in a single session. You can switch between sessions using the buttons with dates and times.

  • If during the session you decide to increase the Gwei limit, you can do so by changing the value in the Max Gas Price (ETH) field;

If you want to pause the sessions, click Stop. To resume the wallets' activity, click Resume, and the software will continue from where it left off.

If the Combine application closes or your PC shuts down during a session, the software will automatically pause the wallets. After reopening the application, you can click Resume, and the software will continue from where it was stopped.

  • If you click Resume on each wallet individually, the delays will not be preserved, and all wallets you resumed will start working immediately at the moment you clicked Resume.

  • You can stop or resume the activity of a specific wallet by clicking Stop or Resume directly next to it.

  • To stop or resume the entire session (i.e., all wallets at once), click Stop All or Resume All, respectively.

  • After successfully completing all actions, you will see a green Success message in the status field.

  • If the Status field shows Error, you can check the logs to find out the reason why the software was interrupted. If it was due to your error, you can fix it, then click Resume, and the software will continue the session from where the error occurred for that wallet.

Comments on wallets:

In the Comments section, you can leave notes for your wallets to keep track of the actions you have already performed or plan to perform.

Last updated