Withdrawals from Exchanges | Withdraw

Withdrawing tokens from exchanges to your wallets using the "Withdraw" function.

Please note that this is a completely free feature of our application. You can use this functionality without purchasing any modules.

With this function, you can automatically withdraw tokens from exchanges such as OKX, ByBit, Binance, BitGet and Gate.

To withdraw tokens from exchanges, you first need to add the API keys of the exchanges you want to interact with. For more information on how to add exchange API keys to Combine, please refer to the section Adding Exchange API Keys.

Additionally, the wallet addresses to which you plan to withdraw tokens must be added to the Whitelist on the exchange in the required network. For more information on how to add wallets to the Whitelist, please refer to the section Adding Wallets to Whitelist on Exchanges.

Setting up token withdrawals from exchanges to wallets:

  • In the Exchange and API key section, select the exchange from which tokens will be withdrawn in the first field;

  • Choose the necessary API key from the exchange account from which the tokens will be withdrawn;

  • In the Chain and Token section, select the desired token from the available balance on the exchange;

  • Select the network in which the withdrawal will be made;

  • In the Settings and Amount section, there are two options for withdrawing funds:

    1. Exact value - withdraw a specific amount of tokens to the selected wallets;

    2. Random in range - withdraw an amount of tokens within a specified range to the selected wallets.

  • Select the wallets to which the tokens will be withdrawn from the list;

  • Click Apply to selected wallets, and the specified parameters will be applied to the selected wallets in the Withdraw Amount field. In this field, you can also manually edit the amount to be sent to each wallet;

  • In the Total Expenses field, you can see the total amount to be withdrawn from the exchange, including the fees;

  • Click Withdraw to wallets. In the pop-up window, specify the delay between withdrawals to different wallets in the Min delay secs and Max delay secs fields. The minimum time will be set by the exchange itself, usually 6-7 seconds;

  • Double-check all the entered data and confirm the withdrawal by clicking Withdraw to wallets.

  • After starting the token withdrawal process, you can close the pop-up window; this will not interrupt the withdrawal session. To stop the withdrawals, you need to completely close the Combine application;

  • If the current balances in the Choose token to withdraw field stop updating, it is likely that your API key is no longer working. The most common reason is a change in your IP address. In this case, you need to create a new API key with the current IP address and add it to Combine again.

Last updated