Invites mode
Instructions on how to use the mode that will generate invites to register the right number of accounts in Warpcast.
Invites mode - this mode allows you to purchase invites for registering the necessary number of accounts in the Warpcast project.
To register the first account in Warpcast, you need to pay for the account creation with a card or ask someone, who is already registered, to send you an invite. Then, in this account, you will have the opportunity to pay for Warps with the ETH token on the Base network to purchase invites. One invite costs 500 Warps. There are two options:
You manually register one account and within this account generate and pay for the necessary number of invites for all your wallets;
You manually register one account and create, for example, 10 invites. You take these 10 invites and use Register mode to create 10 accounts. Then switch to Invites mode and create, for example, 100 invites from these 10 accounts (10 invites per account = 100). Return to Register mode and use these 100 invites to register another 100 accounts. Continue this process until you have registered the desired number of accounts.
In simple terms: You register one account through the Warpcast app and pay for the registration with a card, or ask someone who is already registered to send you an invite -> Generate 5 invites in this account and pay for them with ETH on the Base network -> Go to Combine and switch to Register mode -> Register 5 Warpcast accounts using these 5 paid invites -> Switch to Invites mode and purchase 10 invites for each of these 5 accounts -> Return to Register mode and register 50 Warpcast accounts using these 50 invites -> Repeat the Invites mode - Register mode cycle until you have created the desired number of accounts.
In the Mode section, select Invites mode;
In the Run mode section, choose the order in which the wallets will be launched:
Parallel - parallel operation (multi-threaded) with or without proxies;
One-by-one - wallets will be launched one after another with or without proxies;
One-by-one (mobile proxy) - wallets will be launched one after another using mobile proxies. Mobile proxies must first be added to Settings -> Proxies and linked to accounts in Account Manager.
To launch a pre-prepared group of wallets, select it in the Select Accounts group to launch section;
Proceed to generate and purchase invites. To use this mode, you must have Warpcast registered accounts added to Wallet Manager, as invites will be purchased for these registered accounts;
Click Open Settings;
Link a wallet from the list to the already registered account, or add a wallet via Private Key. To add a wallet via Private Key, click the Switcher Added Wallets and paste the Private Key into the input field.
When registering your first Warpcast account, a blank wallet is created, which the Warpcast team does not recommend using for on-chain actions. To avoid unnecessary steps, you can link your wallet in this window, which, for example, is already added to the whitelist on exchanges and has an ETH balance on the Base network to pay for Warps. The wallet will not be directly linked to the account but will only be used to purchase invites. To link wallets to accounts, use the Attach Address mode.
In the Delays section, set the delays between actions:
Wallet - delay between the launches of wallets;
Block - delay between invite purchases on a single wallet.
In the Max gas price field, set the upper limit for Gwei on the Base network;
In the Total invites to buy field, set the total number of invites that need to be purchased;
In the Max invites per account field, set the maximum number of invites to be purchased per account;
Remember that the cost of one invite is $5 in $ETH. These $ETH will be used to purchase Warps, which will then be used to buy invites.
The purchase occurs as follows: The account buys Warps (the internal currency of Warpcast) with $ETH on the Base network from the wallet you specified in the modal window Open Settings -> Then the Warps are used to buy invites, which are stored in the Invites section -> After purchasing the required number of invites, we copy the invites from the Invites section and register the required number of accounts using Register mode.
If you want the wallets to be included in the work in a random order, leave the Randomize wallets? checkbox enabled;
Select the wallets that will be launched in this session and click Launch.
Your wallets have been launched. You can track the process of buying invites in the Logs & Progress section.
Last updated