Attach Address mode

Instructions on how to use Attach Address mode.

Attach Address mode is a mode that allows you to link your existing wallets to your Warpcast account, which should increase the trustworthiness of your Warpcast accounts.

To interact with this mode, you need to link EVM and Solana wallets to your accounts in the Account Manager section.

  • In the Mode section, select Attach Address mode;

  • In the Run mode section, choose the order in which the wallets will be launched:

    1. Parallel - parallel operation (multi-threaded) with or without proxies;

    2. One-by-one - wallets will be launched one after another with or without proxies;

    3. One-by-one (mobile proxy) - wallets will be launched one after another using mobile proxies. Mobile proxies must first be added to Settings -> Proxies and linked to accounts in Account Manager.

  • To launch a pre-prepared group of wallets, select it in the Select Accounts group to launch section;

  • In the Delays section, set the delays between actions:

    1. Wallet - delay between the launches of accounts;

    2. Block - delay between attaching EVM and Solana wallets on a single account.

  • Check the boxes next to the necessary wallets (EVM or Solana) that need to be linked to the account during this session;

  • If you want the wallets to be activated in a random order, keep the Randomize wallets? checkbox enabled;

  • Select the wallets to be launched in this session and click Launch.

  • Your wallets have been launched. You can track the process of your wallets' work in the Logs & Progress section.

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