Grouping wallets

How to create wallet groups and why is it necessary?

In Combine, you can create both a general group for all your accounts and subgroups. For example, if you want to work with the Scroll module and have 100 accounts, you can create 5 groups of 20 wallets each and use different functionalities with different groups of wallets to maximize the variety of actions on your wallets. For example, one group can perform bridges, the second group can mint NFTs, the third group can create contracts, etc. You can distribute wallets into groups manually or automatically using the "Cluster Generator" function.

Creating groups manually:

  • To create a group, click on "+";

  • Enter the group name;

  • Click Add Group;

  • In the general list of accounts, select the accounts you need;

  • Click the Move to Group button;

  • Select the group into which you plan to place the selected wallets;

  • Click Move accounts to this group.

  • After that, you will be able to see which group a particular wallet is in within the Wallet Manager in the Groups column. You can add your wallets to multiple groups if needed. You can also create subgroups in the EVM wallets and Starknet wallets tabs.

Automatic creation of groups (clusters):

  • To start automatic generation of groups/clusters, click the Clusters Generator button;

  • In the Split into section, enter the number of groups to be generated;

  • If you check the Equally in all groups checkbox, the wallets will be evenly distributed among all groups;

  • Click Generate Clusters;

  • In the open window, you will see a list of wallets that will be added to a specific cluster (group);

  • To reroll the wallets, click Reshuffle clusters;

  • To save the clusters, click Save.

Last updated