Wallet Manager

Adding wallets to the Linea module and managing them.

Adding wallets to the module:

  • First, you need to set up accounts in the Account Manager, link wallets to them, and optionally, proxies;

  • Click Add More Wallets;

  • Select the wallets to be added to the module. Please note that if you purchased a 50-account plan, after adding these 50 accounts to the Wallet Manager, you can only replace 3 wallets. So add wallets carefully;

  • Click Add to Linea, and the selected wallets will be added to the module.

UI Touch:

UI touch is a regular interaction with any website through its interface. Any website consists of two components: the front-end (interface) and the back-end, where all the site's logic resides and processes all interactions.

In web3 protocols, pressing a certain button triggers a contract call, i.e., pressing the button in the interface triggers the contract call, and then your Metamask opens, and you sign the transaction in it.

How any software works: it bypasses the interface and directly accesses the contract hidden behind this button, sending all the necessary information for the transaction directly to the contract.

The interface of web3 protocol sites serves one purpose - to simplify interactions with the blockchain for regular users, but working directly with contracts is not prohibited. This possibility exists, and it's not necessary to do this through software - you can do these interactions manually through Etherscan.

However, sooner or later, projects will start fighting against Sybil activity. One of the ways might be placing corresponding analytics on their sites, which will collect information about the IP address and browser fingerprint from which the button to trigger the contract was pressed and the transaction was made.

The UI Touch function in Combine will allow you to interact with official bridges or any other protocols without leaving Combine. It's important to understand that for your interaction to be considered legitimate, you need to open the site through UI Touch and make the transaction through this window manually.

  • Click on the UI icon;

  • In the User Agent field, you can see your fingerprint. The fingerprint is automatically selected from a list of more than 10,000 of the most common fingerprints in the world. The initially generated fingerprint is fixed to the wallet until you click the Generate New button;

  • In the Custom User agent field, you can insert your User agent from an anti-detect browser or one generated elsewhere;

  • In the Choose target project field, select the desired protocol and click Launch;

  • Immediately after this, a browser window will open, in which you need to connect your wallet and perform the transaction.

Status and Actions section:

In the Status section, you can see the status of a specific wallet that it received during the last session and the date when this wallet was last launched:

  • If the date is highlighted in green, the wallet operated without errors;

  • If the date is highlighted in red, the wallet encountered an error or was paused.

  • In the Actions section, clicking on the first icon will open a page with statistics for a specific wallet on the DeBank website;

  • Clicking on the second icon will open an explorer where you can view transactions for a specific wallet;

  • Clicking on the trash icon will delete the selected wallet from the module. Adding new wallets is available within the limit specified in the line Remaining attempts to change the wallet. Deleted wallets can be added back to the module without restrictions.

Last updated