Merkly NFT Mint & Bridge

Set up and put into operation wallets for minting and sending NFTs via the Merkly protocol.

The Merkly NFT Mint & Bridge mode allows you to mint and send NFTs to other networks through the Merkly protocol.

NFT minting is done on the Zora network, with the option to send the minted NFT to any of the 20 available networks.

Setting up and starting a session:

  • In the Mode section, select Block Mode.

  • In the Run mode section, choose how the wallets will be launched:

    1. Parallel - parallel operation (multi-threaded) with or without proxies.

    2. One-by-one - wallets will be launched one after another with or without proxies.

    3. One-by-one (mobile proxy) - wallets will be launched one after another using mobile proxies. Mobile proxies must be added in the Settings -> Proxies section and linked to accounts in the Account Manager in advance.

  • To use a ready-made preset for the software settings, click the selection field in the Select preset section and choose the desired preset.

  • To launch a pre-prepared group of wallets, select the necessary group in the Select Accounts group to launch section.

  • In the Bridge NFT After Mint to field, choose the network to which the NFT will be sent after minting.

  • In the Delays section, set the delay between wallets in the Wallet field.

  • Clicking on Pro will open the Gas guard setting. If this delay is activated, your wallet will go to sleep if several accounts in the same session are ready to work simultaneously after reaching the gas level you set for the software. This is done to prevent all wallets from sending transactions simultaneously after reaching the set gas level. The standard delay is set in the range of 30 to 150 seconds.

  • In the Max gas price section, set the maximum gas price in the Ethereum network for transactions. The software will wait until the gas in the Ethereum network drops to the specified value and will only then start making transactions. After the session starts, you can change the upper Gwei limit in the Logs & Progress tab by going to the Sessions subsection.

  • If you want the wallets to be activated randomly, leave the Randomize wallets checkbox enabled.

  • To save the delay settings for use in other sessions, click Save this as preset, enter the preset name, and save. Later, you can select this preset in the Select preset field.

  • Click Update Balances to get the current ETH balances on the wallets. If the balances are not loading in the Zora network, understand that Zora complies with sanctions, and all countries listed under OFAC are banned by Zora. You need to enable a VPN before updating balances.

  • Select the wallets you want to start and click Launch.

  • Your wallets have been launched. You can track the progress of wallet operations in the Logs & Progress section.

Last updated