Custom NFT creation

Set up and put wallets to work to create your own NFT collection.

With this mode, you will be able to create your own collections on Zora.

Setting up and starting a session:

  • In the Mode section, select Block Mode.

  • In the Run mode section, choose how the wallets will be launched:

    1. Parallel - parallel operation (multi-thread) with or without proxies;

    2. One-by-one - wallets will be launched one after another with or without proxies;

    3. One-by-one (mobile proxy) - wallets will be launched one after another using mobile proxies. Mobile proxies should be added in the Settings -> Proxies section and linked to accounts in the Account Manager beforehand.

  • To use a ready-made preset for the software settings, click on the selection field in the Select preset section and choose the desired preset.

  • To launch a pre-prepared group of wallets, select the desired one in the Select Accounts group to launch section.

  • Click Open custom nft mint settings to open the modal window for configuring the collection that will be created:

    1. The Random Names button will generate a random name for your collection for all selected wallets;

    2. The Random Symbols button will generate a random symbol for your collection for all selected wallets;

    3. The Random Description button will generate a random description for your collection for all selected wallets;

    4. In the NFT Image field, upload the image for your NFT collection:

    5. The Opepen button will generate an Opepen NFT with random colors of body parts, taken directly from the Opepen generation page;

    6. The Custom button will allow you to upload your own image from your computer.

    7. When choosing Opepen, the NFT will be automatically generated and displayed as a small icon. If you click on this thumbnail, a larger image will open. If you do not like your Opepen and want to generate a new one, simply click on the purple upload button again and select Opepen once more; the image will update in a few seconds.

    8. In Custom mode, just select the desired image on your computer and upload it to Combine.

    9. In the NFT Price field, set the mint price of the NFT from this collection.

    10. In the NFT Royalty field, set the royalty percentage for the sale of your NFT.

    11. By clicking the button in the Actions section, you can randomly generate or update the NFT name, NFT Symbol, and NFT Description for a specific wallet.

  • В Delays section, set the delays:

    1. Wallet - delay between wallet launches;

    2. Mint - delay between minting different NFTs.

  • In the Max gas price section, set the maximum gas price in the Ethereum network at which transactions will be made. The software will wait until the gas in the Ethereum network drops to the required value and only then start making transactions. After launching the session, you can change the upper Gwei level in the Logs & Progress tab, by going to the Sessions subsection;

  • In the Mint count range field, enter the range of the number of NFTs that need to be minted for each wallet;

  • If you want the wallets to start working in a random order, leave the Randomize wallets? checkbox checked;

  • Enable the Dump gas checkbox to reduce the transaction processing fee;

  • To save the session delay settings for use in other sessions, click the Save this as preset button;

  • Click Update Balances to get the actual ETH balances on the wallets. If the balances on the wallets in the Zora network are not loading, you need to understand that Zora complies with sanctions, and all countries on the OFAC list are banned by Zora. You need to enable a VPN before updating the balances;

  • Select the wallets you want to put into operation and click Launch.

  • Your wallets have been launched. You can track the progress of wallet operations in the Logs & Progress section.

Last updated