Volume mode

Set up and run a mode that will profitably rack up volume on your wallets.

Volume mode allows you to maximize trading volume on your wallets in the most liquid trading pairs and pools with minimal Price Impact and Slippage.

Setting up and starting a session:

  • In the Mode section, select Volume mode;

  • In the Run mode section, choose the order in which wallets will be launched:

    1. Parallel - simultaneous operation (multi-threaded) with or without proxies;

    2. One-by-one - wallets will launch one after another with or without proxies;

    3. One-by-one (mobile proxy) - wallets will launch one after another using mobile proxies. Mobile proxies must be added in Settings -> Proxies and linked to accounts in Account Manager beforehand.

  • To use a ready-made preset configuration for the software's operation, click on the selection field in the Select preset section and choose the desired preset;

  • To launch a pre-prepared group of wallets, select the appropriate group in the Select Accounts group to launch section.

  • In Volume mode, there are three operating modes:

    1. ETH to USDC - Allows you to swap ETH for USDC for further use in trading pairs with other stablecoins and in lending protocols;

    2. Volume mode - In this section, you can select the stablecoin pairs and lending protocols you are interested in;

    3. Stables to ETH - Allows you to swap stablecoins back to ETH or withdraw ETH from lending platforms.

The process is as follows: you fund your wallets with ETH, exchange ETH to USDC using the ETH to USDC mode, move to the Volume mode where you accumulate the desired volume in pairs with stablecoins (due to lower losses on Price Impact and Slippage in such pairs). Once you achieve the desired volume on each wallet through Volume mode, you initiate a session in Stables to ETH mode and exchange stablecoins back to ETH;

In ETH to USDC and Stables to ETH modes, the settings are standard, so let's focus in detail on the settings of the central mode - Volume mode.

  • After you have used the ETH to USDC mode and your wallets now contain USDC, select the Volume mode from the list of modes;

  • In the Select blocks section, click on Select to choose the protocols you want to interact with:

    1. By clicking the Select all button, you'll choose all protocols listed;

    2. To select all scenario blocks within a specific protocol, click Select all specifically for that protocol;

    3. To choose individual protocols, click on the checkboxes next to the token pairs within the desired protocol.

  • In the Delays section, we set delays between actions. There are two modes: Standard and Pro.

  • In the Standard mode, there are three settings:

    1. Wallet - Delay between launching wallets;

    2. Block - Delay between blocks/scenarios (protocols);

    3. Step - Delay between actions within a block/scenario.

  • In Pro mode, there are three additional settings:

    1. Approve - Delay between approval and bridge/swap;

    2. Gas guard - When activated, this delay ensures your wallet will additionally pause if multiple accounts in the same session are ready to work after reaching the gas limit set for the software's operation. This prevents all wallets from simultaneously sending transactions after reaching the specified gas limit. The standard delay is set within a range of 30 to 150 seconds;

    3. Break - Delay between halves of steps within a single block/scenario.

  • In the Max gas price section, set the maximum gas price for transactions on the Scroll network. The software will wait until the gas on the Scroll network drops to the desired value before starting transactions. After launching the session, you can adjust the upper Gwei level in the Logs & Progress tab under Sessions;

  • In the Target Volume USD field, specify the volume range for each wallet. The software will operate until it reaches the desired volume set by you. For example, if your wallet balance is $200 and you set a desired volume of $1000 with a Work Amount Range of 50%, the software will execute 10 transactions of $100 each to achieve the $1000 volume, concluding its work for that session;

  • In the Work Amount Range section, indicate the percentage range of funds to be used for each selected wallet during the session. For instance, if your wallet holds 1 ETH and you set a range of 40-50%, the software will operate within the range of 0.4-0.5 ETH. This rule applies randomly before each subsequent launched block-scenario to all wallets selected for that session;

  • If the Approve INFINITE amounts checkbox is activated, an infinite number of tokens will be approved for each subsequent swap/bridge, eliminating the need to re-approve your tokens. If the checkbox is disabled, only the amount necessary for each transaction will be approved;

  • To randomize the order in which wallets are activated, keep the Randomize wallets checkbox enabled;

  • To save the delay settings for reuse in other sessions, click Save this as preset, enter a preset name, and save it. Later, you can select this preset from the Select preset field;

  • Click Update Balances to fetch the current token balances on the wallets;

  • Select the wallets you want to activate and click Launch to start the session.

  • Your wallets have been launched. You can track the process of work of your wallets in the section Logs & Progress;

  • Once you've achieved the desired volume on the necessary wallets, exchange all stablecoins back into ETH.

Last updated